Sunday, October 15, 2006

A Quiet Night Out

The other night I went to a local bar with Ray, Suzie, and some of Suzie's Japanese friends. The name of the place is "Guy's Bar" and its both owned and run by a guy named Jun. Jun's in his mid thirties, and is, perhaps, the most amusing man I've ever met. I'd like to describe why exactly, but really, it's impossible, both because words would never do the man justice, but also because of the amount of everclear shots he was giving me to drink.

Regardless, perhaps one of the most memorable pieces of 'Engrish' I've yet to encounter came from Jun when I asked why he called it Guy's Bar. He responded saying "no, no, no, not guy's, gay's." Then, he pointed at me and repeatedly thrust his hips shouting "oh, oh, oh, steben, steben, fuck you haad, steben." Just ridiculous. But then he showed me pictures of his 1 year old child and then placed a portable dvd player in front of me and put in a porn dvd, so things were a little weird, but still, amusing.

He also had us doing drawing competitions of various sexual organs, and proceeded to have everyone in the bar, in turn, arm wrestle me. I must say I held my own, but by the 7th guy my arm was too tired to win.



Anonymous Anonymous said...'s bar, huh? and everclear shots! who knew?

2:50 PM  

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