Thursday, November 02, 2006

One Kid's Mission

As I’ve previously mentioned, Higashi, my current school, is the realm of the original Penis Grabber, the kid to whom everything is “crazy.” Well, this kid is apparently a gold mine of stories to be posted here, some of which, unfortunately, have to do with my crotch.

Ray went to Higashi last week, and so we were able to discuss the students there. Naturally, Crazy Penis Grabber (CPG) figured into the conversation. When Ray first went to Higashi, CPG related his attack on my junk from his perspective. He seemed quite proud of his previous assault, telling Ray the story with much pride. He also mentioned, while telling this story, that he looked forward to my return. Since Ray told me that, I’ve taken to constantly being ready to protect the valuables. At any moment, I tell myself, there could be some sudden surprise attack, with my privates as the battlefield.

From CPG’s point of view, this was not an attempt to do any grabbing. Rather, it was a full on assault. According to Ray, CPG’s tale, which will not be repeated in full here as it went on much like an epic struggle in The Iliad, CPG did not originally want to grab me or cop a feel or anything like that. This was a relief, as it suggested there was no innate interest in my cock. Instead, CPG stated that rather than grab, he punched me, and this was, according to him, followed by me doubling over and crying in pain. I would like to stress here that none of these things happened. While it’s comforting that a young boy does not want to feel me up, it is mildly disturbing that he wants to punch me in the crotch… I have a bad feeling about the remainder of my time here.

The story of CPG does not end with perverse actions. I had him in class yesterday, and we were playing this warm up game. To describe the whole game is boring, but the kids enjoy it and the first two people to win get a prize. The prizes are nothing more than small stuffed animals I picked up at the hyaku yen store (kind of like a dollar store, but oh so much better). I put all the dolls in a bag, and each winner may then reach in and pick out two. After this particular class, I was immediately cornered by five students, including CPG, asking for the stuffed animals that remained

Naturally, I said no, but they were adamant. Eventually, I conceded to allow one of the five to pick one, and they’d janken* for who gets it.

Before the janken, they were all deciding which one they would pick if they won. There was a little stuffed dog in there, and CPG wanted that dog. Naturally, he lost janken, but he would not accept his loss. As the winning girl chose a stuffed bear, he tried to make off with the dog, and I stopped him and confiscated the dog. He pleaded for a while, with me firmly saying no. Realizing his loss, he responded with a hearty “fuck you!” I did a quick double take, asked “What?” and was greeted with yet another “fuck you!” He laughed and happily trotted off. I mentioned this to the teacher, and her response was a quizzical look and a “what does fuck mean?” I just couldn’t explain.

*Cultural side note. Janken is essentially Paper, Rock, Scissors. However, none of the gestures have any meaning in the Japanese version (it’s not rock beats scissors, it’s just this gesture beats that gesture) and it is used to decide everything. I mean everything. If the Japanese had their way, wars would be fought entirely with a game of janken. Disagreements settled by janken. I believe that political decisions are decided entirely by janken. I played in a volleyball tournament for all the government employees, and if there was a tied game, the result was decided by janken.


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